Carmarthen Old Building 870

The University’s governing body is the University Council. Under the Charter and Statutes, the Council is responsible for determining the educational character and mission of the University, overseeing its activities, ensuring its solvency and safeguarding assets.

The Council works closely with the Vice-Chancellor and other senior members of the Executive in setting the strategic direction of the University. Thereafter it is responsible for ensuring that there are effective systems of control and risk management in place.

Under integration arrangements agreed in 2017, the University Council works closely with the Council of the University of Wales and shares a standing committee structure. A common core of governors are members of the two Councils.

Becoming a Council Member

Opportunities for new independent members of Council

The UWTSD Council regularly has vacancies for new independent members, as does the Council of the University of Wales and the Board of Coleg Sir Gâr.If you are interested in serving as an independent member, either immediately or in the next two to three years, then we would like to hear from you.

More information about the skills and experience that we are seeking is provided in theRole description for Independent Members. At present we are particularly interested in applications from those with a professional background in higher education, particularly higher education quality assurance and/or international higher education; and pensions.


Independent members are normally appointed for a four-year term which is renewable for a further four years. The time commitment involved will vary, but it is estimated to be approximately 8-15 days per year to attend and prepare for meetings and to attend other events.


Council members are not remunerated for undertaking their duties but the University will pay reasonable expenses incurred when on University business.

Independence and eligibility

The Council subscribes to a sector-agreed definition of independence. It is unlikely to appoint an individual who, in recent years, has been an employee of the University or one of its subsidiaries; has had a material business relationship with the University; or has close family or professional ties with a member of the University. Under Charity Commission rules, certain circumstances prevent the appointment of an individual as a trustee. These circumstances are checked by the University prior to appointment. Further information is available at the Government website:Charity trustee: declaration of eligibility and responsibility - GOV.UK (

Equal opportunities

The University is committed to the principles of equality and diversity and to creating an inclusive and supportive learning and working environment in which all staff and students can flourish and fulfil their personal potential. It actively works on removing barriers to participation and supporting people from all backgrounds and circumstances to achieve their potential. We are committed to improving the diversity of the Council and to achieving membership that reflects the profile of the institution and its students. We welcome applications from candidates of all ages and backgrounds. We are piloting new ways of working to encourage applications from those who work or have family commitments. We particularly encourage applications from individuals from ethnic minority groups, as we recognise that they are currently underrepresented on the Council.

How to apply

To apply for a position on the UWTSD Council or the Council of the University of Wales, please submit a short covering letter explaining why this appointment interests you, what you would bring to the role and how you meet the criteria listed in the person specification, together with your curriculum vitae (CV) detailing your relevant experience. Please also provide the names and contact details of two referees, who will only be approached with your permission. Your documents should be sent by email

To have an informal discussion prior to application, please contact the Clerk to the Council

表达在Coleg先生感兴趣的一个职位Gar, please contact the Clerk and Company Secretary

Honorary Awards

Every year the University recognises persons of distinction by presenting them with Honorary Fellowships or Honorary Degrees, normally at a Degree Congregation.

Honorary Doctoratesmay be conferred on those who are outstanding in their field, normally because they have made a major and sustainable academic contribution in a field relevant to the University, or have been recognised for their outstanding achievements.

Honorary Fellowshipsmay be awarded to individuals who are of outstanding distinction in their own fields and have rendered exceptional service to the University.


Nominations for Honorary awards may be made using theHonorary Awards Nomination Form, which should be submitted to the University

All nominations are considered by the Nominations and Governance Committee, a committee of the University Council. The Committee’s membership includes a student governor and a staff governor.

Nominations may be submitted at any point during the year but are normally considered annually by the Committee.

Further information about theHonorary Awards Criteria and Procedureis available here.

External Complaints

The University welcomes constructive feedback on its activities and recognises that, from time to time, people or organisations external to the University may feel their expectations have not been met by the University, its staff or its students.

大学的程序考虑答辩l complaints, and the forms to be used by individuals wishing to make such complaints, are provided below.

External complaints procedure

Office of the University Secretary

The University Secretary and Clerk to the UWTSD and University of Wales Councils is:

Sarah Clark

This is a shared email account in order to ensure a timely response.

The University Secretary is supported on a day-to-day basis by the Governance Team, which comprises:

Officer Key Governance duties

Mrs Margaret Williams
Principal Governance Officer

  • Servicing Council committee meetings
  • Providing support with preparing papers

Ms Caryl Bond
Principal Administrative Officer – Corporate Governance

  • Preparing papers for University of Wales Trinity Saint David and University of Wales Council committees
  • Administrative support for the University Secretary
  • Main contact point for Governors