
Penaluna,凯瑟琳而且Penaluna,安德鲁而且琼斯,科林而且Matlay,哈利(2017)我依然热爱IP:聚焦10年学生设计经验。见:国际小企业和创业研究所,2017年11月8 - 9日,贝尔法斯特。(未发表)


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    知识产权(IP)的范围很广;商标、专利、外观设计和版权,旨在确保创新者的努力得到回报,并刺激竞争市场(EPO/OHIM, 2013年)。世界知识产权局认为,知识产权教育应该支持学习者成为知识产权创造者,提倡“开发他们的创造力,并教育他们尊重他人的知识产权”(OHIM, 2015, 11)。在欧洲,密集使用知识产权的行业占了三分之一的工作岗位,76%的欧洲人认为创新和知识产权是齐头并进的(OHIM, 2014),然而,在他们对高等教育机构的英国研究中,Soetendorp等人(2016,35)观察到,不到三分之一的受访学生在学校、学院或大学期间收到过任何关于这个话题的信息,而且,只有40%的学生认为他们目前对知识产权的了解足以支持他们未来的职业生涯(IPAN/IPO/NUS, 2012)。目的本研究响应了创业教育文献、政策和指导中关于学生了解知识产权、保护自己的创造力和避免侵犯他人权利的呼吁(QAA, 2012, Bacigalupo等人,2016)。这篇论文考虑了将知识产权整合到创业课程中的证据,解决了两个具体的问题,如果创业被视为应用创造力(Rae, 2007),知识产权对教育工作者有什么影响?可以采取什么方法将知识产权纳入企业教育工作者的工具包,作为发展创造力和商业之间联系的一种可行战略?这是一个单一案例研究(Yin, 1994),使用多种来源的证据来支持对教育领域的整体调查(Feagin et al, 1991),以有助于构建效度(Stake, 1995, Yin, 1994)。这项研究是由驱动程序和教学方法发起的,20年前由两名教育家在英国高等教育机构内设计和开发,旨在提高所有学科的学生对知识产权的意识。 Subsequently two of the papers authors have been advising UKIPO in a range of educational approaches and bring these insights to the debate. The evidence comprises; a review of entrepreneurship literature and policy for intellectual property to theoretically underpin the study, which are considered alongside anecdotal and observational contributions (Marshal and Rossman, 1989), from learners, graduates, educators and policy makers. Emphasis is placed on evidence collated within the past 10 years Contribution If IP is a key driver of innovation (Wang and Chang, 2005) and we accept the view that a sense of ownership is a critical factor in entrepreneurial success (Kirby, 2003, Gibb, 1993) a responsibility lies with those taking forward the entrepreneurship agenda to embed of awareness of IP within the curriculum. There are examples of good practice across the HE sector for integrating IP education, many of which are supported by the UK’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO, 2014, 2015) and Enterprise Educators UK (2017). However, the synergies between IP education and the enterprise educator have yet to be fully articulated. The study updates findings and discussions presented to the ISBE Conference in 2007, and then further contribute in terms of: • Evidencing the need for enterprise educators to raise awareness of intellectual property as a feature of their provision • Proposing potential ideas for intellectual property education, including considerations relating to adaption for educators’ own contexts.

    项目类型: 会议或工作坊项目(文件)
    不受控制的关键词: 知识产权,商标,专利,外观设计,版权
    主题: H社会科学(一般)
    L教育理论与实践> LB2300高等教育
    L教育> LC教育的特殊方面
    部门: 研究创新与企业服务
    存放用户: 凯瑟琳夫人Penaluna
    把日期: 2017年11月23日14:45
    最后修改: 2020年10月12日10:02
    URI: http://repository.www.guaguababy.com/id/eprint/802


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