Online Book Launch: ‘Mattering the Invisible: Bodies, Technologies and the Realm of the Spectral’


UWTSD索菲娅中心是骄傲的宣布酒吧lication ofMattering the Invisible: Technologies, Bodies and the Realm of the Spectral, edited by Diana Espirito Santo and UWTSD academic, Dr Jack Hunter.

UWTSD索菲娅中心是骄傲的宣布酒吧lication of Mattering the Invisible: Technologies, Bodies and the Realm of the Spectral, edited by Diana Espirito Santo and UWTSD academic, Dr Jack Hunter.

This radical new book brings together an international cast of contributors to explore some of the many different ways that matter is active in expressing the invisible - from the role of the body in manifesting spirits in mediumship, communications with UFOs through radios, and hunting for ghosts with EMF meters, to the efforts of meteorologists and physicists to make sense of hidden forces and processes, and more. This book suggests that machines, people, and invisible beings are much more entangled than we might at first expect.

This online event will be held on the 7thof June at 4pm and will be introduced by Associate Professor. Nicholas Campion. The event will also feature brief talks from the contributors introducing their chapters, including Diana Espirito Santo, Jack Hunter, Miguel Algranti, Anastasios Panagiotopoulos, Ehler Voss, Andrea Lathrop Ligueros, Renzo Taddei, Anne Dippel and Ruy Llera Blanes.

Dr Nicholas Campion, Director of theSophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, said:

“We’re delighted to be hosting this event at the Sophia Centre. The book extends and deepens our understanding of the engagement between the worlds of the physical and the non-physical.

我想祝贺大家参与this excellent publication.”

Dr Jack Hunteris an anthropologist exploring the borderlands of consciousness, religion, ecology and the paranormal. He is an Honorary Research Fellow with the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre, and a tutor with UWTSD’sSophia Centrefor the Study of Cosmology in Culture. He added:

"This will be an exciting event showcasing some of the different ways that matter is entangled with the perception of spectral realities in different cultural contexts. It will be a great opportunity to explore new ideas in the anthropological study of science, religion and materiality.”

Dr. Diana Espírito Santo currently works as Associate Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She has published many articles and has co-edited four volumes, includingThe Social Life of Spirits(2013, University of Chicago Press) with Ruy Blanes.

Join us on June 7th at 4pm BST on Zoom to celebrate the release of this exciting new book. Entrance is free, but you must register to attend the online event. When you register you will be sent a confirmation email with a discount code for the book. Zoom registration is being used for the book launch. Please click on this link to register.

There will be a 50% discount code for all attendees.

Further Information

For more information please contact Arwel Lloyd, Principal PR and Communications Officer, on 07384 467076 /