Online Chinese Well-being courses

Lung Benefiting Qigong Exercise from Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (JUTCM)

This relaxing and easy-to-do Qigong exercise is specially designed for strengthening immunity, and enhancing physical and mental resilience towards the outbreak and self-isolation. Through practicing this Lung Benefiting Qigong Exercise, you are able to: unblock meridians, tendons and vessels, especially strengthen the Lung meridian; enhance introspective consciousness and develop a powerful anti-stress technique by creating a strong body-mind connection.


Wednesdays 15:00 to 16:30 (session delivered in Chinese)

年代aturdays 14:00 – 15:30 (session delivered in English)


Once you’ve completed the registration form your course tutor will contact you with the Zoom meeting link for your lesson. You will need toregister with Zoom你的免费帐户。

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