艾玛 - 杰恩博士博茨

我对食品文化政治的研究中心和其生产,准备,分配和消费的内脏做法。它涉及新自由主义,全球流程和迁移农村社区及其食品实践的个人和集体后果,经验和谈判。我探讨了在未来的食物,环境和农村的文化想象,在未来的概念上绘制过去的食物环境的概念,以便在现在发生变化。因此,我使用食物和体现的食品实践,作为调查过去,现在和未来在对话中混合和绘制的机制。I am particularly interested in the ways discourses of ‘sustainable’ foodways are (re)produced, appropriated, mobilised, valued and negotiated by policy-makers, the food industry and the heritage industry, as well as by communities and individuals living in rural contexts. My research further interrogates the ways in which knowledges of the rural past are represented, mediated and sculpted by a range of social actors and their (often conflicting) cares and concerns for the future. In turn, I also ask how the perceived food challenges of the future are constructed in relation to an imagined (and often idealised) past and draw authority from present day issues – i.e. consolidation of the food industry, food safety scares and price rises.

我是超市研究网络(酸奶)的创始成员,探讨了超市的作用(及其与“当代食品系统”)的作用(及其与“替代品”的关系。初始产出包括许多研讨会和共同撰写的评论(Abbots和Coles 2013)。研究人员网络为关键问题,公众参与活动,出版物和协作研究活动提供了依据。Its collective purpose is to challenge the simplistic – but commonly invoked – dichotomy between small-scale, place-based, artisan and alternative foods (and their producers), and the ‘placeless’, globalised industrial food complex epitomised by supermarkets, by showing how these seemingly diametrically opposed systems are, in fact, entwined through multiple relations enacted at a myriad of scales.


  • 欧洲联盟Interb IVB North Weste Europe计划
  • Wenner Gren Foundation.




2013年:(用A. Lavis)(EDS。),为什么我们吃,我们如何吃饭:食物和身体之间的当代遭遇,aldershot:ashgate.http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781409447252

2013年:“谈判外国机构:在高地厄瓜多尔饮食中的移民,信任和风险业务”为什么我们吃,我们如何吃当代食物和尸体之间的遇到,e-j。Abbots&A. Lavis(EDS。),Aldershot:Ashgate

2013年:(与A. Lavis)。“介绍:绘制进食的新地形:对食物与尸体之间的遭遇的思考为什么我们吃,我们如何吃饭:食物和尸体之间的当代遭遇,e-j。Abbots&A. Lavis(EDS。),Aldershot:Ashgate

2013年:(与B. Coles,M. Goodman和H. West)'包裹和填充:挑衅的误解了一个主题包裹和填充:牛津食品和烹饪课程的诉讼程序2012年,m。McWilliams(ed。),伦敦:展望书籍